NPUST|Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology
NPUST|Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology
The only industry-academia integration in the country
Vaccine adjuvant Patented invention
Creating a Quality Research Environment Cultivate key technical talents
Innovation and entrepreneurship International macro

Veterinary Medicine​Welcome To NPUST A.V.T

This research institute was established in the year 94 of the Republic of China, making it the earliest institute in Taiwan dedicated to the research of vaccines and adjuvant technologies. The institute’s establishment aligns with the significance of disease prevention and control in animals, where “vaccine immunity” is considered the optimal strategy. To curb the misuse of antibiotics, the demand for biopharmaceuticals is expected to increase substantially. Recognizing the importance of vaccine adjuvants, Taiwan has designated them as a key industry, encouraging investment, facility establishment, and industry upgrading.

In accordance with government policies and industry needs, the institute received subsidies from the Ministry of Education in the year 92 of the Republic of China to establish the “Animal Vaccine and Adjuvant Technology Research and Development Center.” On August 1, in the year 94 of the Republic of China, the “Animal Vaccine Science and Technology Research Institute…

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[YT] Introduction to the Animal Vaccine Institute of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
[YT] Introduction to the Animal Vaccine Institute of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
[YT] Introduction to the Animal Vaccine Research Institute of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
[YT] Introduction to the Animal Vaccine Research Institute of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Animal vaccine business opportunities exceed 100 billion, Ministry of Science and Technology increases subsidies for research and development
Animal vaccine business opportunities exceed 100 billion, Ministry of Science and Technology increases subsidies for research and development
Dongsen News-Animal vaccine adjuvants
Dongsen News-Animal vaccine adjuvants